Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The last of the siblings

Dorcas Noel Hollingsworth Wiedemann passed away on Thanksgiving Day, November 26th at 88 years old. Here is her obituary. She joins husband Jefferson, her four brothers (including TGP), and her parents Denzil & Polly.

Although Alzheimer's disease took away her ability to recognize even family, nothing ever took away her smile.

Her love of horses was highly influential in the family move to the Bluegrass, and the Hollingsworth clan has been here ever since.

She baked bread in the kitchen at the Holly's, and my brother Dunn always said how much he liked it because she put fresh on it.

We will always miss Aunt Dorcas

Hall Dorcas Donn Kent Vertrees

Dorcas Denzil Kent at the track

Dorcas with her prize for horsemanhip


The Aunt Hill: Dorcas, Leslie, Betty, Alice

Mark, Britt, Randal

Times Picyune Newspaper in college

1 comment:

revmtdavis said...

Lovely pictures and witness . Thanks Eben.