Saturday, February 13, 2016

MS Walk 2016

If you are in a hurry, here is the donation link.

The Lexington MS walk is coming up soon, on Saturday April 9th.  If you're in town and can join me at Masterson Station, please join my team. If you want to know more about the walk, or the MS Society, we will be having a kickoff gathering for the walk on Saturday March 12th (who said there is no such thing as a free lunch!). We look forward to another successful event raising money for this very important cause.  We are much more involved with the KY chapter for the National MS society this year; I'm on the board and am the chair of the local walk. The MS Society does great work and we're always thrilled when our friends can help.

We've been doing the walk for a long time.  You can read about Mary Anne's progress, and why the advances that this walk funds are important to us in these earlier posts:
There were many more walks than that, but I didn't start writing until fall of 2008.

The annual health update is basically the same as last year's update. The MS news remains steady, which is positive. Mary Anne's energy level is good, and we've had another year without any exacerbations.  Basically, with this disease, no news is good news..

We appreciate your help in the past, and are always grateful when any of you can contribute again.

Donate to the MS walk on Mary Anne's behalf

MA was moving around well enough this summer to take part in the annual silly string battle at the beach