Saturday, April 9, 2016

Recap from MS Walk 2016

Who knew it could be only 37 degrees at 10am on Saturday April 9th at 10am? Despite the chill (and the wind) we had a great turnout at MS Walk 2016 Lexington. I was proud to serve as the chair of the walk.
It's never too late to give, if any of you missed the opportunity.

The walk made the nightly news (WKYT - channel 27). I was interviewed, but they wisely went with a person who actually had MS. I am, however, in the background over her right shoulder, sporting my Eben hat.

It did make me glad we didn't do the WOC in early spring and get caught by this kind of cold.

Mary Anne and Muv came. Muv did two half mile laps with me. The cold was more than MA could take, so she waited in the building.

Masteron Station was full of people. When people are this strongly touched by a cause, weather is not a deterrent.

I have raised over $3500 so far, and the team is over $4300, with come more checks in the mail. Special thanks also to my colleagues at Xerox for joining the team and raising money.

Don't you love the party hats?

Muv during the walk