Sunday, March 30, 2014

MS Walk 2014

If you are in a hurry, here is the donation link.

If it seems like I just wrote about the MS walk, it seems that way to me a little bit as well.  The Lexington walk is shifting from fall to spring, so the current walk is upon us again already.  Consistent with life for us in the bluegrass, I know the development manager for the KY chapter for the National MS society, Mary Carabella.  She explained to us when she came to visit the house that there were a lot of factors involved in changing the time, but assured me that the walk will only happen once a year, and will remain a spring event going forward.

Our walk history is interesting, at least to me.  You can read about Mary Anne's progress, and why the advances that this walk funds are important to us in these earlier posts:
There were many more walks than that, but I didn't start writing until fall of 2008.

For the annual update, the MS news is positive here at Millstream 2.0.  Mary Anne is doing regular physical therapy, using an electrical stimulation device that does amazing things for her walking.  It even minimizes the muscle tremors she has in her legs, at least for a while.  She is also just beginning to experiment with a weighted vest that makes more difference than you would think a few ounces could make.

Mary Anne's energy level is good enough that she is knitting again on a regular basis, participating in activities at church, and is out and about a good bit.  We appreciate your help in the past, and are always grateful when any of you can contribute again.

MA and niece Kate last May

The walk is on May 31, and we will have to make it a virtual walk on that day.  We are having a house full of Australians, and will be celebrating cousin Lucy's wedding on that Saturday.  But I hope that will not diminish the support that so many of you have given in the past.  We are proud to participate in this event, and to help raise money for such a good cause.

Thank you for your support.  It means more than you all can know.