Tuesday, September 17, 2013

MS Walk 2013 recap

MS Walk 2013 on Saturday was a great success.  I had the largest total dollars for an individual walker, a real tribute to the love of many for Mary Anne.  Many thanks again to all who contributed.

It's not to late to add your support, if you are interested.

March Madness Marching Band

The walk begins

Lots of walkers

Hay rolls in the distance.  Certainly not Piedmont Park in ATL

Pretty sunflowers

The band warms up for the after party

Walkers return

Sponsor Tents

Monday, September 2, 2013

MS Walk 2013

MA at MS walk 2007
Knitting my sweater at the MS Walk

I have not walked to raise money for MS in 3 years, but will be walking again on 9/14.  You can read about the saga that caused me to miss the event for so long; it is a blessing to be settled enough to walk for this great cause again.  Please sign on to my page and donate, if you are so inclined.

Donate Here

For the first update ever, I can report that Mary Anne is actually better.  She has been taking Amyprya for 9 months now, and done some pretty intensive physical therapy.  Her gait is smoother, her stamina is better and her confidence while walking is much improved.  Pretty much a miracle drug.

Also, she has been off the interferon shots and talking a pill, Gilenya, for about two years to as the disease modifier.  That's a fancy way of saying taking that pill slows the progression of MS.  But doing that with a caplet once a day is infinitely better than the shot that made her feel like she had the flu every week.

The cooler climate in KY has also been an improvement.  There are still days where it is too hot for herself to go out, but they are more rare here.

So, all in all, the disease is less of a burden than it has been sometimes.  We are grateful to all who have given to the MS society in the past, and hopeful that we can raise money again to further this cause.
Sparky at 2009 walk